Application Engineering

Selection Software and Support Services
Employ VAW Systems’ industry proven selection software for a quick, economical solution for your noise control application. Our free do-it-yourself tools include:
- FANSIL – software for industrial fan silencer analysis and product selections
- COMSIL – software for commercial HVAC silencer analysis and product selections.
Our experienced and knowledgeable Applications Engineers apply the Systems Approach for fully integrated, cost effective, space saving, and energy efficient noise controls. They are happy to assist you through the process. Make VAW Systems your go-to noise control solutions supplier!
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Industrial Fan Silencer Selection Software
Perform an Acoustic Analysis of your fan system in a simple, user friendly interface you can take anywhere. Select silencers based on fan sound data and specified criteria. A wide range of inlet and discharge silencers are available for low-to-high static fans (round and rectangular selections) with many energy and space savings options available. Selections include high temperature and high fan static applications. If required, select inlet filter boxes, rain hoods, duct fittings and flex-joints. Many construction material options and surface finishes are available (15 coating systems available). FANSIL will also generate submittal drawings automatically.
Recent Fansil® upgrades include:
- New Contemporary Silencer Selection Input screen – including user friendly tools and graphics to guide you.
- Improved product selection routines and performance ratings
- Silencers for any heavy duty intake and exhaust fan system.
- Enhanced airflow measurement probe options
- Silencers for lighter duty, general purpose fans
- Improved flange detail input screen.
- Flexible Connectors for any fan application.
- Filter Boxes for fan/silencer air intakes.
For more information, contact us at
Registered users click the Fansil Online button below to login.

Commercial HVAC Silencer Selection Software
Select from a wide range of rectangular, elbow and circular silencers. Products and material options are adaptable to virtually any commercial HVAC system.
Key features of the COMSIL software tool include:
- Select silencers based on specified noise criteria.
- Apply system effects to suit the silencer as-installed conditions.
- Adjust geometry of silencer casing for system installation.
- Apply a standard HVAC construction or modify the casing and internal construction to meet system requirements.
- Generate silencer selection schedules and submittal drawings.
For more information, contact us at:

Application Engineering Support

Our free support services include:
- Establish appropriate noise criteria for your application
- Complete acoustic analysis to determine the attenuation requirements
- Evaluate application issues, such as IAQ requirements, space constraints, energy and cost impacts
- Select the optimal product or noise control package, material finish, shipping splits, lifting lugs, and installation conditions
VAW Systems’ submittal package may include the following key information:
- Outline of the acoustic calculations and path analysis
- Silencer schedule and/or layout drawings
- Recommendation for installation location and orientation
- Construction and structural support details
- Specific field testing requirements and other noise control Specification needs
For more information: please contact us at:
Acoustic Analysis Module
FANSIL and COMSIL include the VAW Systems’ Acoustic Analysis Module – the most advanced analysis tool available in the noise control industry.
Key features include:
- Modern interface, with original drag-n-drop grid workspace (suitable for touch screen computers)
- Indoor noise calculations based on the latest ASHRAE algorithms and related prediction tools
- Outdoor noise calculations based on the ISO 9613 standard for environmental sound propagation and related standards
- Built-in Noise Sources and User Library
- 7 noise criteria available for assessment
- Many receptor types available (both indoor and outdoor conditions)